The Prior Learning Evaluation and Recognition (PLAR) procedure at Capstone Edge College is intended for individuals who have completed comparable courses in recognized post- high school institutions or have had employment experiences and Skills relating to the candidate’s preferred program. Such students must satisfy the minimum admission requirements for the program of choice.
The PLAR process recognizes prior learning and experience. Students can get PLAR credit, subject to a maximum of 60% credit for both learning and experience.
The Procedures
A. International or Out- of- Province Learning and Experience
Self-Assessment and Analysis conducted by Capstone Edge College Faculty:
In addition to the candidate’s skills assessment completed by the college, the applicant is required to complete a self-assessment interview. This self-assessment lists the course learning outcomes and requires applicants to determine their level of proficiency in each one. If they are internationally trained, they must submit evidence of training acceptable to the Capstone Edge College.
Creation of an Individual Study Plan
From this self-assessment, Capstone Edge College identifies knowledge and skill gaps (if any) and creates an individualized study/training plan for the candidate.
Challenge of the Course’s Written Exam
If the self-assessment indicates thorough competency and knowledge of the subject; the student may be expected to challenge the course exam in a proctored environment at Capstone Edge College. A 70% grade is required to pass.
Self-Study/Online Study (or Site-Based Workshops)
should a student not be successful in the challenge exam or if a student and/or Capstone Edge College assessor indicates they require training in a particular course, the student will be provided with a self-study/online module to take the appropriate training. This would only be in a case where the student scores 60-69% in the initial test.
B. Alberta-based Learning and Experience
If a student underwent post-secondary training or had work experience in Alberta, then such as student would be granted credit only on the basis of:
- Transcripts and course outlines (courses for which credit is applied)
- Reference letter from previous employer (for applications based on experience)